Yakushima. The Magic Island (Víbora)

The island of Yakushima is formed by an extensive primary rainforest. It is subjected to an eternal deluge (which has given it fame of being or place where it rains 35 days a month, according to popular tales).

It has been calculated that there can fall between 4000 and 10000 mm of annual rain, providing a complete greenery to an absolutely spectacular landscape, where the famous forests of SUGI (CRYPTOMERIA JAPONICA).

Majestic trees, usually surpass 1000 years of life, counting with many specimens of more than 3000 years.

When they reach these ages they are revered as sacred trees and receive the name of YAKUSUGI. There is an even older specimen, called JOMON SUGI, for which it has been calculated about 6000 years, being destination of pilgrimage and admiration.

This arcane and enchanted forest is enveloped in an everlasting rain and mist, or understory that is totally covered by a green carpet of moss, where fungi, ferns and lichens proliferate.

In the aerial parts epiphytic plants grow, endowing the forest of great beauty, with an extremely rich variety of plants. That includes almost 2000 species and subspecies, and with a great number of endemic species.

In regard to fauna, the island has 16 species of mammals, 150 birds, 8 amphibians, 1900 species of insects and 15 reptiles.

Included in the mammals, there are several endemisms, the macaque of Yakushima, called YAKUZARO, and the fallow deers of Yakushima island, called Yakushika.

Recently it has been discovered a raccoon species called TANUKI.

Between May and July thounsands of loggerhead and green turtles arrive in the island to spawn.

Another famous animal, which is not present in Yakushima island, although it is in the rest of the RYUKU, is the dangerous HABU, a pit-viper. A snake more than 2 meters long with a terrible bite which is responsible for many poisonings and deaths.

Fortunately today we count on antiophidic serum and therefore deaths are rare, but the damage due to the bite usually lasts for life.

The only poisonous and dangerous species that lives in the island is another pit viper, called MAMUSHI. Fortunately it is smaller, less poisonous and less aggressive than the famous HABU.

Besides the MAMUSHIS avoid people and go out at twilight and night, for which reason accidents are rare.





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